Today was like my favorite kind of movie...nothing happened. A good movie has believable characters who are working things out & the dialogue is interesting & there are no car chases & nobody gets shot & nobody is a CIA operative or a serial killer. There is usually a main character or protagonist. Let's call him, oh I don't know...Marc. & this guy Marc, he has a checkered past. Not the most likeable fellow; a bit of an asshole if you want to get down to it. But you could say, if we were telling his story in a movie type setting, anyway the kind of movie I like, you could say this Marc figure had a nice day. Maybe that's not right. You could, or one could say, he had a rewarding or redemptive day. How so? Well, Marc spoke to an old friend, somebody he really loved & admired & that old friend seemed genuinely happy to speak to him, which is hard to believe because Marc was not kind. Maybe, if we were telling the story in pictures Marc is sitting in his Sister & Brother-in-Law's house, maybe in the parlour by the big front window. & in the other room we hear voices, his fiance & sister talking & laughing & @ his feet is a big white dog sleeping. We don't see the friend but we hear him & we watch Marc's face move & grin, only slightly, we would definitely need a skilled actor here...a master of subtlety. Its is a gratifying moment, because the first half of the movie was painful to watch. & then after that there is a long walk along a canal( I guess we could do some type of montage here, with say Fionn Regan as soundtrack? Yes, definitely Fionn Regan) with his sister & his fiance & a big white dog. A scene by the pool, a Chinese restaurant with friends...