I Don't Belong to Anyone

Some people think they can tell me what to sing. I would like to see them try. I would like to meet them & I would like to look them in the eye. I bet they turn their face when they shake my hand. I bet they look to their shoes & their hand is limp. Or, it is too tight & too stiff & their gaze is like that of the schoolyard bully, penetrating @ first, but then nervous when they find out I'm not scared. They don't scare me. Not after what I have been through. Please come listen if you want to hear the truth. If you want to know about me then come on down & listen. You might even hear something you can relate to. My songs are my own. My experience is mine & if you think you have the fortitude to walk a mile in my shoes I will gladly go barefoot for you. But I doubt you could or you would. You are not the judge. & you own nothing. I am my own man. I have earned it. I have made enough mistakes to last ten lifetimes. My path is my own. I don't belong to anyone.


Everything is Moving


From under a mountain of rubble I speak to you